Hello, and welcome to my little corner!

I help Mompreneurs go from “I’m overwhelmed and I almost have no time with my children!” to “You’ve saved me a lot of hours and I can finally spend more time with my loved ones!”. And I’m sure if you’re ready to take the tasks off your plate, you too can have more free time!

I'm Krish!

The go-to Online Business Manager for mompreneurs. 😉

I’m a licensed Psychometrician and hold a bachelor’s degree in Psychology, I take an empathetic approach to help success-driven mompreneurs (just like you who are reading now!) have systems in place, manage and streamline your process, and build better relationships with your tribe.

I’ve always had a thing for helping mompreneurs. So, naturally merging my passion for helping boss moms get to have more time with their loved ones, my skills in organic marketing, system and streamlining processes and my drive to be my own boss… this is how my agency was born.

But agency wasn’t really my dream…

In fact, I started out dreaming to become a Psychologist, but due to limitations in exploring the field in my country, I worked in human resources. Then I got hired by a local government agency, only to end up being discriminated against because I became a single mom. Being saddened by this was a complete understatement.


Just 2 weeks after that incident, my good friend Lou (if you’re reading this I’m forever grateful to you) asked me to work in her outsourcing agency, it opened floodgates of opportunity and hope. But a realization kicked in that working from home with a kid IS NEVER EASY, it was a jungle, or, a circus even, thus my respect to fellow mompreneurs is beyond reach. I’ve personally experienced how frustrating it can be being physically present to your kid but was mentally absent because your mind was just… client work.

This is the sole reason why we want to serve mompreneurs. My inner purpose and drive are to help success-driven moms outsource their tasks so they can have more time with their children.

Besides being a mom of one, I’m obsessed with iced coffee, Korean drama and true-crime documentaries. Aside from spending time with my son AZ, I also love long-distance road trips, going mountain overlooking, stargazing and beaches (even if I don’t know how to swim. Lol.).

You can also catch me randomly in a coffee shop either working or having me-time, so feel free to say hi! ✨

this is for you if...

  • You have the potential to impact so many people but your offers aren’t getting noticed because you’re busy doing tasks that are not necessary.
  • You want to connect with the right people, and attract your ideal customers but you have trouble communicating because of too many tasks on your plate.
  • You’ve spent ages letting your business controls you instead of just focusing on your zone of genius.

Now imagine how would you feel…

  • Having a business that is streamlined and systematic process like a well-oiled machine.
  • Not feeling like a one-woman team and can finally feel the ease and flow of just focusing in your zone of genius.
  • Receiving a continuous stream of leads asking about what you do while spending more time with your loved ones.

Netflix show:



Starbucks Drink:



Late Night Snack:


money heist
mindset mentor
green tea cream

Netflix show:

money heist


mindset mentor



Starbucks drink:

green tea cream




Late night snack:




Get my must-have Welcome Kit guide for onboarding new clients!

  • Ready to take your client onboarding to the next level?
  • Impress your new client with a streamlined process before the project starts.
  • You’re tired of manually putting the same email content whenever you onboard a new client.